Summer Vacation Class Starts on 10 April 2024


Shat Kriya – How to Cleanse Your System

Shat Kriyas, also known as Shatkarma Kriyas, are a set of yogic cleansing practices that purify the internal body and restart the system. These ancient techniques aim to cleanse both the physical and mental aspects of our being. The term Shat Kriya translates to “six activities” in Sanskrit, signifying the six specific cleansing practices used in Hatha yoga.
Let’s explore these practices:

  • Neti: This involves nasal cleansing using a neti pot or saline solution. It helps remove mucus and impurities from the nasal passages, promoting better breathing and overall health.
  • Kapalbathi: Also known as sinus cleansing, Kapalbathi involves forceful exhalations through the nose. It clears the respiratory system, energizes the mind, and enhances lung capacity.
  • Nauli: Abdominal massaging is the focus of Nauli. By rotating the abdominal muscles, it stimulates digestion, improves metabolism, and strengthens the core.
  • Dhauti: Internal cleansing techniques fall under Dhauti. These include practices like drinking saltwater to induce vomiting (Vamana Dhauti) or swallowing a long cloth to cleanse the stomach (Vastra Dhauti).
  • Basti: Yogic enema or Basti involves introducing water or herbal decoctions into the colon. It helps eliminate toxins, balances the doshas, and supports digestive health.
  • Trataka: Concentrated gazing is the essence of Trataka. By fixing your gaze on a specific point (such as a candle flame), you enhance focus, calm the mind, and improve eye health.

Shat Kriyas not only purify the physical body by removing accumulated waste but also create a clean internal environment where positive thoughts flow freely. Regular practice can lead to improved immunity, better metabolism, stress reduction, and heightened mind-body awareness.