Summer Vacation Class Starts on 10 April 2024

Nadanusandhana is a fascinating yoga practice that revolves around the concept of sound (nada). Let’s explore its essence:

Definition and Purpose
Nadanusandhana involves uninterrupted concentration on a specific sound or nada. Practitioners focus their consciousness on this sound, allowing it to permeate their awareness.
The purpose is to refine inner listening skills, harmonize the mind, and support the healthy expression of the voice.

Ahata Nada Yoga: In this practice, one selects soft, calming music and sits in a comfortable meditation pose. The attention is entirely directed toward the music. When thoughts arise, the focus returns to the soothing sounds.
Nāḍī-śodhana: This cleansing technique involves purifying the energy channels (nāḍīs). By practicing Nāḍī-śodhana, one ensures the smooth flow of prāṇa (life force), leading to overall well-being.

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Relevance
Nada Yoga has ancient roots and remains applicable in contemporary yoga practice. It bridges traditional teachings with modern science.
Through Nadanusandhana, we explore the vibratory essence of sound, connecting our inner world with the universal rhythm.

Remember, Nadanusandhana invites us to listen deeply, attune to the subtle vibrations, and discover the profound union of self and cosmos through sound.