Summer Vacation Class Starts on 10 April 2024


Never Waste Your Energy – Bandha

In Yoga, the Bandhas refer to internal energy locks that play a crucial role in enhancing our practice. Let’s delve into what these bandhas are and how they impact our physical and energetic well-being:

Mula Bandha (Root Lock)
Purpose: Mula Bandha is all about the pelvic floor. By contracting the anal sphincter, you temporarily lock the energy flow in the lower abdomen.
Benefits: It strengthens the pelvic muscles, stabilizes the spine, and promotes grounding. On an energetic level, it helps channel energy upward.
Activation: Imagine lifting the pelvic floor as if preventing urination or holding back gas.

Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm Lock)
Purpose: Uddiyana Bandha focuses on the diaphragm area. When you contract the sphincter of oddi, you create this lock.
Benefits: It stimulates digestion, massages internal organs, and enhances breath control. Energetically, it directs prana (life force) upward.
Activation: After a full exhalation, draw the abdomen in and up toward the spine.

Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock)
Purpose: Jalandhara Bandha centers around the throat. By gently pressing the chin to the chest, you create this lock.
Benefits: It regulates the thyroid gland, calms the mind, and aids in pranayama (breath control). Energetically, it balances the throat chakra.
Activation: While holding the breath, tuck the chin down toward the sternum.

Maha Bandha (The Great Lock)
Purpose: Maha Bandha combines all three locks—Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara—simultaneously.
Benefits: It harmonizes the entire system, balances energy flow, and intensifies pranayama practice.
Activation: Sequentially engage Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas while holding the breath.

Remember, bandhas are not only physical but also energetic practices. They allow us to manipulate prana, promoting holistic health and vitality. However, advanced pranayama techniques should be practiced under expert guidance.