Summer Vacation Class Starts on 10 April 2024


Dhyana – How to Meditate Effortlessly

Dhyana, the seventh limb of Ashtanga Yoga, holds profound significance in the practitioner’s journey toward self-realization and inner transformation. Let’s explore the essence of Dhyana:

Definition and Purpose
Dhyana is the art of sustained meditation, where awareness flows effortlessly toward a chosen point, object, or center.
It serves as a bridge between the external practices (such as Yama, Niyama, Asana, and Pranayama) and the higher states of consciousness.

Techniques for Practicing Dhyana
Selecting an Object: Choose an object for meditation—external or internal. It could be a candle flame, a deity’s image, the symbol of Om, or even the breath.
Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses): Begin by withdrawing your senses from external distractions. Internalize your focus.
Dharana (Concentration): Concentrate on your chosen object with effort and focus. Maintain one-pointed awareness.
Effortless Meditation: As concentration deepens, effort naturally drops away. Dhyana unfolds spontaneously.

Benefits of Dhyana
Samadhi: Dhyana paves the way for samadhi, the superconscious state of bliss and unity with the divine.
Self-Awareness: Through sustained meditation, we explore our inner landscape, gaining insights into our true nature.

Remember, Dhyana is not about forceful meditation; it arises effortlessly when the mind is still and the heart receptive.