Summer Vacation Class Starts on 10 April 2024


Yama – How to Master Abstention and Restraints via Yoga

Yama, one of the foundational principles in Ashtanga yoga, encompasses five essential restraints or abstentions. These guidelines, laid out by the sage Patanjali, serve as the bedrock for leading a spiritual life. Let’s delve into each of these yamas:

Ahimsa (Non-Violence): Ahimsa extends beyond refraining from physical harm toward others. It encompasses compassion and care for all living beings, including animals, plants, and ourselves. By practicing ahimsa, we cultivate an intention of non-harming and embrace self-love, fostering a harmonious existence with the world.

Satya (Truthfulness): Satya emphasizes honesty and authenticity. It encourages us to speak truthfully, not only in our interactions with others but also within ourselves. By aligning our words with reality, we create a foundation of integrity and transparency.

Asteya (Non-Stealing): Asteya goes beyond material theft. It urges us to refrain from taking anything that doesn’t rightfully belong to us—whether it’s physical possessions, ideas, or energy. By practicing asteya, we honor boundaries and respect the possessions and creativity of others.

Brahmacharya (Abstinence): Brahmacharya involves the right use of energy. It encourages moderation and balance in our desires and passions. By channeling our energy purposefully, we avoid excess and cultivate self-discipline.

Aparigraha (Non-Grasping): Aparigraha invites us to let go of possessiveness and attachment. By detaching from material possessions and desires, we free ourselves from unnecessary burdens. This yama encourages simplicity and contentment.

Incorporating these yamas into our daily lives and spiritual practice enriches not only our yoga journey but also our overall well-being and relationships.