Biju Balakrishnan is the guiding force and inspiration behind the Samhitha Yoga and Cultural Centre, where yoga is his passion and life’s work. The institution currently operates two centers and is looking forward to establishing at least one international location.
The Samhitha Yoga and Cultural Centre is a non-profit organization committed to preserving the ancient socio-cultural heritage of India while upholding its dynamic, progressive, and secular principles.
Yoga practice is designed to harmonize the physical, mental, and spiritual energies to improve the health and healing of both body and mind.
We all emerge from Mother Nature and ultimately return to her embrace. The fleeting journey from birth to death is what we call life. Yoga is the path to living in harmony with Mother Nature, and we consistently advocate for and practice a lifestyle in tune with her rhythms.
Yoga, beyond being a mere physical exercise, is a dynamic expression of life. It encompasses not only physical fitness but also mental well-being and spiritual harmony. By aligning body, mind, and spirit, yoga fosters health, clarity, and enthusiasm, making it an integral part of our lifestyle.
M.Sc in Yoga (TNPESU)
Diploma in Yoga (First Rank – Kerala State Resource Centre)
Certificate in Yoga (Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, Pune)
Certificate in Yoga (Kerala State Resource Centre)