Summer Vacation Class Starts on 10 April 2024

Leading Name in Attingal And Varkala for Authentic Yoga

Three Yoga Streams that We Provide

We offer classes, sessions and demos in the following practice-streams of Yoga.

Classical Hatha Yoga

Classical Hatha Yoga, a traditional and foundational yoga style, has its roots in ancient India. It adopts a comprehensive approach to enhance physical and mental health through asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), meditation, and ethical disciplines. Hatha Yoga strives to create balance in the body and mind, fostering strength, flexibility, and calmness. The practice involves maintaining poses mindfully, with a focus on alignment and breathing, which nurtures mindfulness and tranquility. It highlights the integration of opposing forces—like power and pliability, exertion and release—within the individual, encouraging balance and stability. Regular practice leads to greater vitality, mental clarity, and a profound connection with oneself and the environment.

Raja Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga)

Raja Yoga, often referred to as Classical Ashtanga Yoga, is a comprehensive system of yoga outlined by the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. It is considered one of the classical paths of yoga, focusing primarily on the cultivation of mental and spiritual well-being. Raja Yoga emphasizes the practice of the eight limbs (ashtanga) outlined by Patanjali, which include yama (ethical restraints), niyama (observances), asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption or enlightenment). Through systematic practice of these limbs, practitioners aim to purify the mind, develop self-awareness, and ultimately attain samadhi, a state of profound spiritual absorption and union with the divine.

Vinyasa Yoga (Breath-synched)

Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic and flowing style of yoga that synchronizes movement with breath, creating a seamless sequence of asanas or postures. In Vinyasa practice, each movement is linked with either an inhale or an exhale, guiding practitioners to move mindfully and fluidly from one pose to the next. This continuous flow of movement and breath not only builds heat and strength in the body but also cultivates a meditative state of awareness. Vinyasa yoga offers a creative and versatile approach to asana practice, allowing for variations and modifications to suit practitioners of all levels. Through the rhythmic coordination of breath and movement, Vinyasa yoga becomes a moving meditation, inviting practitioners to find harmony between body, breath, and mind on the mat.